Studying guitar is not an easy thing ,studying guitar well is a difficult thing especially when you use james hetfield iron cross guitar.So for the teach how to give students more knowledge is also tenderness.Many guitar teachers struggle to help their guitar students make consistent progress in their guitar playing, but the result is just wasting time and money .There is quite a lot that you can do to become a more effective guitar teacher and help a huge majority of your guitar students improve their musical skills. Here I give some tips to every teacher or student .
When teaching your guitar students, you must remember that you are not teaching 'music', you are teaching 'people'. As you know, people have emotions, they get frustrated and they sometimes beat themselves up inside their own minds when their guitar playing problems seem hard to fix. Because of this fact, when solving your guitar students' problems your main focus needs to be on the causes that are 'easiest to resolve' and can be overcome quickly. In addition to helping your students improve, this approach will help them to overcome the emotional challenges that they have when learning to play guitar.
Among the many direct benefits that your guitar students receive from studying with you, there is one hugely important intangible element that helps them to make faster progress by taking guitar lessons with you than they ever could on their own. This element is a sense of 'accountability' that your guitar students feel to learn and practice when they study guitar with you.
After you help your students to see that they CAN overcome a minor issue with their playing, they will become more confident in their ability to overcome the next (bigger) issue in front of them. This method for solving your guitar students’ problems is one of the keys to your long term success as a guitar teacher.
Most guitar teachers take a 'linear approach' to teaching guitar. That means they like to take their guitar students through the learning process in a step-by-step sequential way. The linear approach to teaching guitar makes perfect sense 'if' you were teaching a machine. However (as described above), you are teaching human beings who are imperfect, non linear in their thinking, subject to emotions and who have their own 'reasons' for playing guitar.
To avoid this unnecessary frustration and to help your guitar students make faster progress, you should begin to use the Geometric Guitar Teaching Method™. This means that you should not wait until each step is mastered before moving onto learning about the next musical skill (or concept).
Although such approach to teaching guitar may seem counterintuitive at first, the fact is that guitar students progress fastest when they learn to apply and integrate your lesson materials WHILE they are learning to master it, and NOT "afterwards". Try my Geometric Guitar Teaching Method™ with several of your guitar students for a few months and you will see improved rate of progress in their guitar playing and overall musicianship.
If anybody has better advice ,please give me response ,I also want to be a better student .